Frosty mornings, Autumn color & more projects

Thursday, November 4

With the colder nighttime temperatures it’s getting harder and harder to crawl out from beneath the warm covers in the mornings. It was almost eight o’clock by the time I flipped the covers back and was immediately hit with a blast of cold air. Donning my warm bathrobe it was time to stoke the fire, get the coffee going, and start feeding the cats and LizzieBelle. CountryBoy rolled out of bed a few minutes later and headed out into the frosty morning to take care of the barn animals. By the time the morning chores were finished so was the hot coffee. MMMmmm, time to warm up the inners.

We’ve not heard anything from the people that looked at the farm yesterday so we decided to start on the next ‘scary’ project – the downstairs bathroom. The goal for the bathroom is to cover the bare subfloor surrounding the toilet (we put new 3/4 inch plywood down when we installed a new toilet several years ago); remove the old vanity and replace it with a new vanity and mirror; putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls; and lastly, installing new baseboards as there currently are none. With that in mind we went to Lowe’s this afternoon and picked out the flooring, a vanity with mirror, and a faucet. CountryBoy has to ponder the best way to tie in the plumbing since it’s not your standard plumbing job. Once he figures that out we’ll get to it and hopefully have it finished before someone else comes to look at the place. And, fingers crossed, this project will go smooth without any hiccups.

While we were in town we picked up a few groceries, ate at Olive Garden, and got some gas. Some ridiculously priced gas along with everything else. sigh. But, I won’t go there.

Friday, November 5

Today turned out to be nothing like what I had anticipated. I had expected to start demoing the vanity in the bathroom and then I figured we’d come up with a plan to cover the exposed plumbing to the upstairs bathroom. But, no. While we were having our coffee this morning I happened to check my email. Lo and behold there were TWO requests for showings this afternoon. The first request was for 3:30-4:00 and the second request was for a showing at 2:00. There went the plans for working on the bathroom today. Instead, we casually drank our coffee, had brunch, then CountryBoy mowed the leaves and a little bit of grass while I dusted and vacuumed.

In the midst of the showings today’s guests arrived. Unfortunately, their privacy was interrupted for a spell during the second showing. I had warned them about the interruption and thankfully they were quite gracious about it.

The showings went OK but we don’t think either will pan out. You can just tell when someone’s not really interested in the property as a whole. We really want people that will love it as much as we did and that can see the potential the whole place has. This property has SO much potential in any direction one may want to take it. Which, in reality, can be quite overwhelming at times truth be told.

While waiting for the showings I spent the time cross-stitching. I had mentally made a goal of what I wanted to complete today so that I could get started on the baby blanket. I’m happy to say that with the craziness of the afternoon I still met the goal and this evening I managed to get a couple rows done on the blanket.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Saturday, November 6

This morning we found ourselves dragging our feet and finding any and everything to procrastinate on starting on the bathroom. We took our time drinking our coffee; we looked at more houses online; we had some brunch; CountryBoy got a couple bags of frozen fruit out of the freezer to make some jelly; he picked some of the scuppernongs; we wound up starting a batch of blackberry scuppernong wine with some of the scuppernongs he picked then we sat down to relax a bit. A little after the noon hour I happened to be on the computer when an email came in requesting a showing this afternoon between 3:00 and 4:00. I confirmed the showing via email. We were quite glad we dragged our feet today. At least the bathroom wouldn’t be in complete shambles during the showing.

There was nothing to do to get ready for the showing so I decided to cut up the green peppers we harvested right before the frost and get that container off the counter. I wanted to make a couple batches of Hot Pepper Jelly so CountryBoy went to the store to get a couple of items that I needed to make it. I was in the midst of making the second batch when the potential buyers showed up. They arrived before the realtor so we invited them in and they got a sneak peak at the downstairs when the realtor arrived. They were here for a good long while and they loved the property. ALL of it! The old house, the grounds, the fruit trees – they could see the potential our property has to offer. We are cautiously hopeful about receiving an offer on Monday. We heard the feller say he had to make some phone calls but the realtor would be hearing from him. Hands folded in prayer and fingers crossed.

We spent the evening watching a movie then looking at houses again.

Sunday, November 7

Ah, the moon tis but a sliver. As I was driving home from work this evening I saw a sliver of a moon peaking around a mountain. It was a beautiful sight.

It’s not even 8 o’clock at night and we are exhausted. Neither of us slept very well last night and today turned out to be a busy day. After coffee and a light breakfast we finished up the Hot Pepper Jelly. (After puréeing the peppers in distilled vinegar it had to sit in the fridge overnight so the flavors could fully develop.) As soon as the second batch came out of the canner I hopped in the shower then headed to work. It was a long day at work.

Meanwhile, CountryBoy had his own work cut out for him. He made some blackberry jelly, cleaned the cabin, and brought in some wood. Needless to say, we’ll be headed to bed shortly.


Although we are hoping to hear from our realtor some time tomorrow with an offer neither of us are excited or counting on it. After what happened the last time we are erring on the side of caution and non-excitement. If one’s hope is not up it can’t be smashed to smithereens. We are simply relying on God to put all the pieces together in His time. I have to say, it’s a lot easier on the mind that way.


I’ve made some progress on the baby blanket. One skein down – ten to go. When my hands have had enough of crocheting I plan on picking the cross-stitch back up to give them a break. It may sound silly but I like to mix up my hand work – the different hand positions saves the ‘ol fingers from getting stiff and sore by mixing up the repetitiveness.

It’s now 8 o’clock. Good night!

Monday, November 8

It was another day that didn’t quite go as anticipated. But, seeing as we haven’t really been planning our days I guess anything can and should be expected. After coffee I started in on the laundry. There was a load of cabin sheets and towels waiting to be washed as well as the regular laundry. Meanwhile CountryBoy decided to clean up his shop. It was a disaster and not much of a shop any more.

Today was such a lovely November day with a temperature of seventy degrees. Early afternoon we took a short break on the front porch.

We were expecting to hear from the realtor today with an offer from the last people that looked at the property. When two o’clock rolled around and there was no phone call CountryBoy decided to put the new flooring down in the bathroom. I was in the midst of cutting all the jalapeños we recently picked so I wasn’t much help at the beginning. I’m not really sure where the wild hair came from but I’m glad it’s done.

We decided not to put a new vanity in due to plumbing issues. It was going to be a major job and not one we’re willing to tackle.

CountryBoy had pulled the toilet so after most of the flooring was down I put a fresh coat of paint on the walls before we reset the toilet. The bathroom looks better already. Tomorrow we will return the vanity and pick up some baseboards and a threshold. Once those are installed we’re going to call it done.

We spent the evening looking online for houses. We have several properties saved but we’re both kinda getting tired of looking.

Tuesday, November 9

It was an early morning for me. At 6:30 LizzieBelle was awake and Creamsicle was ‘hollerin’ with all his might at the front door. I figured I might as well get up and feed everyone and maybe CountryBoy could get a few more minutes of sleep.

As soon as we finished our coffee we headed to town. We returned the vanity and faucet and picked up some baseboard, quarter round and some transition pieces. Since we sold all our tools CountryBoy bought a small chop saw so that he could cut the necessary angles when installing the baseboards. While he was getting those items I chose a paint color for the front doors and had it mixed up. The door to the living room had been multi-colored ever since we moved in.

I never minded the multi-color look – I simply saw it as a shabby chic door and part of the houses’ history, ha – but since we’re trying to view our house through potential buyers eyes I thought that maybe painting it would be more appealing. I’ll paint the door into the dining room the same color.

On our way to Lowe’s we stopped at Hobby Lobby so I could pick up the last skein of yarn I needed for the baby blanket. I now have all the yarn I need to make the blanket from start to finish. I’m on the second skein.

When we came home there was a message on the answering machine from the realtor about a showing this afternoon. Yikes! I quickly straightened up and vacuumed while CountryBoy got to work on the bathroom and got it finished.

An hour and half passed by and still no one showed up. After our realtor made some phones calls we found out they had fallen in love with the first farm they looked at. Since there was to be no showing I got started sanding the door.

Still no word or offer from the last showing – the ones who were really excited about the farm.

Wednesday, November 10

I’m up earlier these days since the time change however, we’ve been ready for bed by seven o’clock these past few nights. Most night we’ve have managed to wait until after nine and some nights not so much, ha.

This morning I enjoyed my second cuppa coffee at home and was at work by 8:30. It was a longer day than I had anticipated but that’s usually the case when I think it’s going to be a short day. There wasn’t an abundance of laundry but I did some office stuff and managed to get all the sheets washed, dried, ironed and put away even from the days’ checkouts. I figure whatever I can get done on Wednesday’s is that much less that’s waiting for me on Sunday afternoons.

I was home by 3 o’clock and got started painting the front door right away. Two coats later and I was finished by suppertime.

What a difference! Although now I’m going to have to do something about those green baseboards. I’ve never liked the dark green baseboards but I never disliked them enough to make me want to repaint them. Until now. Looks like I’ll be scooting along the floor painting baseboards before long. sigh.

CountryBoy was cleaning up the sunroom when I came home. He had been working on another project that was never finished since the first year we moved in. He finished the ‘beam’ in the pantry. When we covered the ceiling in the pantry he put a 2×4 on the ceiling to hide the joints of the paneling. Today, CountryBoy cut the boards, stained them, then installed them. I could smell the stain when I came in the house but it took me a while to find what he had worked on. I’m tellin’ ya… the house is looking a little less unfinished each day. Hopefully it’s also looking a little more appealing to buyers each day.


The weather has been absolutely gorgeous the past few days with temps in the seventies. Seventy degree weather in November has never happened in the years we’ve lived here but we’re lovin’ it and making the most of it while it lasts.

Thursday, November 11

It was another warmish day so we decided to empty the camper of all the packed boxes we had put in there in preparation for the move that didn’t happen. We’re planning a trip in the near future so we decided to take advantage of the day and get the camper emptied and readied for the trip. Now there are boxes piled high in the dining room and a few boxes stuffed here and there throughout the house.

As I stepped out of the camper I knew I needed to capture the color of Autumn while it was still here…

The trees took their time changing colors. Here it is almost the middle of November and the colors are hanging in there.

Once that task was complete (I should’ve counted the number of trips we made with CountryBoy manning the hand dolly and me carrying whatever I could manage) we snatched up LizzieBelle and headed to town. again. We’ve made more trips to town in the past few weeks than I think we’ve been all year. We returned an unused baseboard, bought more quarter round, more paint (white this time), insulation, and a faucet set for the shower. We also stopped at several stores looking for house shoes. CountryBoy found some at the very first store. Me? I had no such luck. I like my house shoes to cover my ankles or at least my heel and have a sole. Do you know how difficult it is to find said house shoes? I did manage to find some at Rack Room Shoes but I wasn’t about to pay $45 for a pair. I’ll continue to wear the ones I have until they fall off my feet or until I can find some that suits me.

This afternoon I put the hardware back on the one front door – the one in the living room. It looks SO much better! Tomorrow I’ll start on the second front door – the one in the dining room.

We spent the evening eating popcorn while watching movies and searching for houses. We also took delivery of our first load of wood. The poor fella unloaded it in the rain.

Speaking of rain, it came down hard and lasted most of the evening. I am happy to report that the sunroom was bone dry thanks to the new roof. Hallelujah!

Friday, November 12

Right after we finished our coffee CountryBoy started putting insulation in the ceiling of the sunroom. I’d say it’s just in time as we are expected freezing temps tonight.

It doesn’t look that great but with the insulation I think my plants will over-winter nicely in there – hopefully without a heat source. Eventually, we’ll add a ceiling.

While he was working on that I started painting the second door.

We finished up about the same time.

We each had a bowl of yogurt then headed up to the cabin to get it ready for today’s guests. After that I made a huge loaf of zucchini bread. I didn’t have any nuts to put in it so I added some ground flax seed and threw in some chocolate morsels to get rid of them. It took twenty minutes longer to cook because of its size but it turned out really well and was quite tasty.

We watched another movie and while I blogged CountryBoy looked at houses.

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